Friday, April 18, 2014

Oh Yes She Will!

Women are extraordinary creatures. I will be the first to say that after making woman, the Lord has yet to outdo himself.

Men tend to place women in different categories. For women who we see and meet at clubs and bars, we have a category. For women who we see at work and meet in professional environments, we have a category. For women who are religious and go to church, we have a category. For women who are married, we have a category. Most of these categories do not mix. Once a woman is placed in a certain category, she tends to stay there.

The problem with this way of thinking is that any woman is capable of belonging to more than one category. Men just don't see it that way. For example, a man will date a woman who he thinks has had many sex partners, but he will not marry her. At the same time, he will marry a woman who he thinks has had a few or no sex partners before meeting him.

Women follow a similar pattern. A woman will have a one night stand with a man if she does not foresee a long term relationship with him. However, if she thinks that she might want a serious relationship with a man, then she will make him wait before giving herself to him sexually.

Let's focus on the man. Men place a high moral value on the woman who they see as their future wife. A man wants his wife to be as pure as she can possibly be. He wants to think that she is not like the many sexual creatures he enjoyed lustful sex with. No. His wife must not share any of the traits that those sex-gone-wild girls display to the whole world. The reality, though, is that there aren't many women in the world who can live up to this ideal.

Most, not all, women have had lustful trysts. Most women have been treated like sexual objects by any number of men. Women do not live under rocks. How can they be expected to be without sexual experiences in this day and age, when sex is becoming less of a sacred act? Men are sleeping with men. Women are sleeping with women. People are enjoying threesomes. It's getting crazy out there.

So, men, when you look upon your damsel, the love of your life, and ask yourself if she will sleep with a man on the first date - even though she made you wait three months - the answer is a resounding, "Oh yes she will!"

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Marriage is for Children

If two people are not going to have kids, then they should not get married. Marriage should serve one purpose: to raise kids. Besides having kids, why would any two people want to legally bind themselves to one another? This is absurd.

Men, when you marry a woman, you are committing to provide for her way beyond the time you spend together as a married couple. When you get divorced, and chances are you will, you are legally obligated to pay her alimony for half the years that you were married if your marriage lasts 9 years or less. If you somehow manage to deal with her for 10 years, then you will be stuck paying alimony for the rest of your life or until she re-marries. Chances are she will just move in with a guy. Why would she want to give up the alimony, right?

Social Security
Men, when you die, and chances are you will die before your wife, your social security benefits will go to her even if you were divorced. So, you paid her alimony your whole life, and when you die you will still be paying her. Oh yeah!! I can't wait to get married again - NOT!

Get Real
If you marry somebody without the intention of having kids, then you are probably worried about dying alone. Everybody dies alone. When my grandfather passed away, a bunch of us were in the room. We saw him breathe his last breath. Sure, there were people in the room, but he met death all by himself. So, if you are worried about being alone, make some friends. Take up golfing. The golf course is a really great place to make new friends. Or get a girlfriend. Nobody says you have to marry her. Trust me, she'll be happy to move in with you as long as she thinks that one day you will propose. Keep her living with you, just don't propose.
Women live longer than men, mainly because they nag us to death. LOL!! So, if you are feeling lonely, take up golf. It's 1,000 times cheaper than getting married and then divorced.

One is never truly free when in a relationship. You can't make plans without checking in with your woman. You can't come and go as you please, or you'll be getting into fights with her. Relationships take away your freedom. Why shackle yourself to some woman who is not the mother of your children? It is bad enough to have to pay alimony to a woman who is the mother of your children, especially when she makes enough money to take care of herself and is already living with some other dude. Why subject yourself to having to pay some woman who is not bound to you by children? Stick to having a girlfriend. When she nags you about golfing too much, break up with her. It will not cost you a dime.

Marriage Sucks
Lastly, marriage sucks! Unless you want to raise children and provide a home with a mommy and a daddy for your kids, then don't get married for the plain fact that marriage sucks.

Same Sex Marriage
The same applies to you. Marriage sucks no matter what your sexual preference is. If you want to leave your hard earned money to somebody, leave it to hungry children. Do not leave it to somebody who will begin dating somebody else before the ink on your death certificate dries.

Divorce and Women in the Workplace

It is my belief that the increase in divorce rates can be attributed to women joining the workforce. No, I do not have anything against women working, making money, voting or anything of the sort. I am merely stating what I believe to be a statistical truth.
In the 1950's, women typically stayed home while their husbands went to work. The woman cooked, cleaned, looked after the children, and took care of her man. The woman's place in society was the home, and the man was the provider.

The 1950's Workplace
As we have seen in shows like Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire, most workplaces were made up of married men and single women. The married men held all of the important positions while the women held secretarial positions. Men were in charge and what a great feeling that must have been. They made enough money to provide for their families, and everybody was happy. The women knew that their men would take care of them.

The 21st Century Workplace
Nowadays, there are all sorts of people in the workplace. There are married men, married women, divorced men and women, and single men and women. Men are no longer the only ones in charge. Many companies have women in executive positions. Consequently, the home also looks very different from what it looked like in the 50's. Homes are made up of single mothers, single fathers and diminishing married couples.

Reality Check
Regardless of how sophisticated and evolved we all feel we are, the reality is that we still have primitive urges. Men want to take care of their women. And yes, women want to be taken care of by their men. It doesn't matter how much money a woman makes, at the end of the day she wants to feel protected. This is why marriages where the woman makes more money than her husband do not last.
If women had not entered the workplace, men would still be in charge. Men would be the bread winners and women would feel protected and marriages would truly last "til death do us part".

Women and Salaries
A pie can only be divided into so many pieces. With more and more women entering the workplace, the slices of pie are getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, men can no longer command the large salaries that they enjoyed in the past. Furthermore, households can no longer be sustained by one income. The increased population of women in the workplace means that the salary a man once enjoyed by himself must now be shared with a woman. For example, in the past a man earned $50,000 per year and could provide for his family. Now, the same salary is split in half ($25,000 for the man and $25,000 for the woman), and neither can sustain a household individually.
All of this leads to the fact that as more women enter the workplace the more it hurts the institution of marriage. Men can no longer be providers like they used to be. Men can no longer take care of their women and children. Consequently, a woman begins to feel that her man is weak. So, what does she do? She looks for a man who can provide for her and give her the feeling of security that all women crave. Where do they find these men? They find these men in the workplace.

The workplace offers a woman the opportunity to meet a man who can provide for her the way her husband can't. In the workplace, a woman is exposed to all sorts of men. She meets powerful executives, men who are business owners and men who have all of the qualities that her husband lacks. So, she becomes less happy with her husband and the marriage suffers. What she fails to realize is that the man she is attracted to at work is married and has similar problems with his wife.
Had women stayed in the home, divorce rates would not be as alarmingly high as they are now. A man would still be able to provide for his wife and his children. A woman would enjoy the feeling of being protected, and a man would revel in his place as the "man of the house."

The only solution is to do away with the institution of marriage. Marriages can't function the way they used to. All of the factors that made marriages a success in the past have changed. However, the inherent expectations that men and women have of their mates through marriage haven't changed. As long as our primitive desires remain intact, then the institution of marriage will never succeed in our current society.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Men Love. Women Survive.

The Man
When a man falls in love, his world is literally turned on its edge. There is nothing that he will not do for his woman. He will change jobs, change his clothes, leave his friends, change religion, stop talking to his relatives, and he will probably move to a new city.
A man jumps into his relationship with both feet. He is 100% committed to loving his woman. He goes to work, and all day he thinks of his love. He cannot wait to get back home to be in her presence, to kiss her, to hold her, and to make love to her.
He will climb the highest mountain. He will raise up armies for her. History has shown that he will even kill for love. A man loves a woman so much, that he will put her first in his life. She is his priority. She is the reason he wakes up early and deals with his asinine boss. He will do whatever it takes to make sure that his woman is taken care of.
I will interject here with the following statement: not all men love perfectly. However, their love is perfect. The love they feel for their woman is pure. It is real. Nothing in this world is more real than the love a man feels for his woman, when he is truly in love. He will cry for his woman if that is what he feels he has to do (of course she will hold this against him because a crying man can't protect her). He will die for his woman if that is the only option. He will tear his self apart if he thinks that will make her happy. Some men go as far as putting their wife before their children. No man should ever do this. Spouses are temporary. Children are forever.
A man's love for a woman is intense and unconditional. It is true love.
The Woman
A woman says she loves her man. She says that she will love him "till death do they part". She says that she loves him unconditionally. She says that she will love him whether he is rich or poor. She says that she will "stand by him" no matter what. She says this and she says that, but what she doesn't say is what she really means. Her survival and entertainment come before her love.
Sure, a woman is capable of being attracted to a man. That is not love. She is capable of liking certain things about him. That is not love either. The only love a woman ever feels is for her children. When it comes to man, it's all about "like". She likes that her man is exciting. She likes that he can fix things around the house. She likes that he challenges her. She likes that he will make babies that have a good chance of surviving. She likes that he makes her feel protected. She likes that other women find him attractive; because that means that he is a good catch. After all, nobody likes to eat at an empty restaurant. She likes that he demonstrates an ability to survive and thrive in the world. She likes that she will not go hungry with her man. She likes that he will provide a place for her to live. She likes that with him, she will survive. She likes that he makes her feel like a woman. She likes. She likes. She likes, but she doesn't love.
Love vs. Survival
A man truly loves his woman. A woman, however, is focused on surviving and on being entertained by her man. Most marital problems begin when 1) the man's survival potential decreases (he cannot provide for her) 2) the man can no longer entertain his wife (he becomes boring), and 3) when her survival is threatened (her man has become a real danger to her life.). If neither of these catalysts exists in marriage or in a relationship, then the relationship can prosper.
If the man can provide for his woman, then she might put up with the fact that he is boring, but this will not last very long. She will look for another man, or if she is married, then she will ask for a divorce. Either way she will have another man in her life, one who can entertain her.
If the man cannot provide for her, then she will stay with him if he can entertain her. Most women nowadays work, so she can overlook the fact that she has to use her money in the relationship. The key here is that her man must be able to keep her amused. In the eyes of a woman, a man who can entertain her is often times more valuable than a man who can provide for her. Boredom is not acceptable.
When it comes to men, as long as the woman shows him appreciation and gives him sex, then he won't mind if she doesn't work or if she isn't entertaining. He can get his entertainment from his friends or from watching and/or playing sports. He will cook, clean, wash clothes, and go to work. He will take care of the kids and deal with her live-in mother. He will bend backwards and forwards for his wife, because he knows how to love.
I can already hear the women saying, "Men are not like that." Oh yes we are. The problem is that while a man is busy loving his woman 100%, she is constantly measuring his survival potential and judging him for how well he can entertain her.
Men love. Women survive.

 Tags: Seducing married women, how to seduce a married woman, married women

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why Seduce A Married Woman?

What makes a married woman so alluring? The answer is simple. She provides a man with the best of all worlds. Everything that a man really wants from a relationship with a woman can be found in another man's wife.
Men have an insatiable desire for sex. The challenge with getting sex from a significant other, whether she is a girlfriend or a wife, is having to deal with everything that occurs between each copulation. It usually goes something like this: activity - sex - activity - sex - activity - sex, and it goes on until we break up. Chris Rock, in one of his stand-up acts summarizes relationships perfectly. He says, "We go to the museum, then we have sex. We go to the movies, then we have sex. We talk, then we have sex. Somewhere in between we get something to eat." Of course he uses an expletive in place of the word "sex".
The reality is that most men could care less about going to the movies or going to museums. We want to get to the sex. This isn't always possible with a girlfriend or a wife. The girlfriend/wife wants to do things (activity). She wants to travel. She wants to go dancing. She wants to watch chick flicks. She wants to visit her family. All the man wants is to get through these things, get back home, and have sex.
This problem of too much activity vs limited sex is solved when you have an affair with a married woman. A married woman can't go to museums, to the movies, or to dinner. She doesn't want to risk being seen by somebody she knows. Instead, she is ready and willing to skip the activity and get to the sex.
Save Money
A married woman cannot be walking around with necklaces, bracelets or earrings that were not given to her by her husband. As mentioned above, she cannot go to restaurants. So, having an affair with a married woman allows a man to save money. In addition, the married woman will never nag the man for not buying her things or for not taking her to nice restaurants. She knows that she cannot partake in these things (activity). All she can do with her lover is have sex.
When was the last time your girlfriend/wife said, "You never take me anywhere. You never buy me anything."?
Find me a man who enjoys being nagged by his girlfriend/wife, and I will show you the tombstone with his name on it. Having an affair with a married woman gives a man freedom without the annoyance of being nagged. The amount of time that a married woman can dedicate to her lover is limited. So, whenever she can see him she makes the most of their time together, in bed. She's married, and she probably has kids. These commitments make it impossible for her to enjoy activities with her lover outside of sex. The best part of this reality is that the lover will never hear the words, "You never take me anywhere. You are always with your friends." The married woman knows that when she cannot be with her lover, he needs to find other things to do with his time. In fact, she wants him to spend time with his friends, as this will prevent him from finding another woman to be with.
If a married woman is having an affair, then it is highly likely that she is not having sex with her husband. So, when she can get sex, she is going to enjoy it. Men who have affairs with married women experience the most enthusiastic sex available. This kind of sex doesn't come easily with a girlfriend/wife. There are no headaches to deal with. It doesn't matter that you haven't fixed the ceiling fan. The fact that your wife just got out of the shower and doesn't want to get dirty having sex with you is not an issue. Sex with another man's wife is like feeding somebody who hasn't eaten in two days. That married woman is going to devour her lover each time she sees him.
A married woman offers a man the best of all worlds (e.g. sex, cheap dates, freedom, and enthusiasm). I think we've answered the question, "Why seduce a married woman?".
To learn about seducing a married woman, or if you are a husband hoping to keep your wife from cheating on you, visit:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Toes - A Fetish or a Natural Inclination?

Often when I go out with a woman, one of the first things I look at is her toes and feet. I don't care how attractive the rest of her body is, if her toes and feet are not attractive, then it is a deal breaker for me. Also, I don't care how unattractive the rest of her body might be, if she has beautiful toes and feet, then she has my attention. Why is this the case? How was this attraction installed in my brain?
I have read a few articles on the topic of fetishism, but nothing has satisfactorily answered my question. There is the typical view that fetishism is the result of association. At some point during puberty, a male is sexually aroused and happens to see some pretty toes. The pretty toes are imprinted in his mind and an association occurs between his feeling of sexual arousal and the pretty toes. Is this really all there is to it? If this is the case, then is there a way to interrupt this association or change it? Often times I have met a woman who I get along with. We have a lot in common, and there is mutual attraction. Then I see her in heels, and my attraction drops to zero. Her toes are not to my liking, and I cannot continue seeing her.
This association that I have between pretty toes/feet and sexual arousal is sometimes annoying. For example, very recently I met a woman whom I was very attracted to. She had a great personality. We would talk for hours, we felt very comfortable around each other, and things looked like they could turn into something really special. Then, one day out of nowhere, we went to a park, and she was wearing flip flops. I saw her toes, and I knew instantly that our relationship would not be going any further. It was out of my control. It was like a switch in my mind turned off, and I couldn't turn it back on.
Sure, there are some fetishes I have heard of that are completely insane. I mean really, who associates sexual pleasure with urine? That is too weird. At the same time, it is strange fetishes such as this that give us (toe fetishists) a bad name. I do not agree that having a fetish for beautiful feet and toes is something negative. Toes and feet are a sensitive part of a woman's body. They have several nerve endings that stimulate erogenous places on a woman. I have never had any woman complain about me kissing her feet and toes. This doesn't prevent them from making me feel like I am some kind of freak.
Women, if your man has a foot/toe fetish, then embrace it. Let him worship you like the goddess that you are. Don't make him feel like he is some kind of weirdo because he happens to find your toes and feet attractive. Do not lump him in with the true weirdos, who have a fetish about urine and other bodily waste.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Never trust anyone, especially a woman you are legally bound to.

"Never trust anyone," my dad would say.  He was right!  We can never really know anybody.  If you watch TV, then you may have heard of the show American Greed.  You may also have heard of the show Snapped.  If not, do a quick search on-line.  If we can never truly know anybody, then why do we legally bind ourselves to others?  In this case we are talking about women. 

(In the e-book, "How to Seduce A Married Woman" available at I talk about a few experiences I've had with married women.  In one case, I mention a woman whose license plate read, "So many men, none as good as mine."  You'll have to read the e-book for details of what went on in the car attached to that license plate.  You'll see how her husband, really never knew his wife.  She's still married by the way.)

So, we go along in life, and we meet a woman.  We fall "in love" with her, and we sign a contract guaranteeing our misery until our youngest turns eighteen.  Little do we know that a few years down the line she will be humping some dude in the car that we are working our asses off to pay for.  "Oh I love her so much.  I want her to have a nice vehicle.  After all, she is the light of my life."  Bullshizenstein!! 

If you absolutely must get married, then pick a woman whom you think has the best possibility of being a good mother.  Do not marry for great sex!  Do not marry for conversation and friendship!  Do not marry for "love".  Women don't do these things.  Why should we?  Women marry and stay married for convenience.  It's time we do the same. 


For more juicy details, visit

Key words: seduction, how to pick up women, seducing married women, pick up lines, the art of seduction, cheating wives.