Thursday, September 19, 2013

Men Love. Women Survive.

The Man
When a man falls in love, his world is literally turned on its edge. There is nothing that he will not do for his woman. He will change jobs, change his clothes, leave his friends, change religion, stop talking to his relatives, and he will probably move to a new city.
A man jumps into his relationship with both feet. He is 100% committed to loving his woman. He goes to work, and all day he thinks of his love. He cannot wait to get back home to be in her presence, to kiss her, to hold her, and to make love to her.
He will climb the highest mountain. He will raise up armies for her. History has shown that he will even kill for love. A man loves a woman so much, that he will put her first in his life. She is his priority. She is the reason he wakes up early and deals with his asinine boss. He will do whatever it takes to make sure that his woman is taken care of.
I will interject here with the following statement: not all men love perfectly. However, their love is perfect. The love they feel for their woman is pure. It is real. Nothing in this world is more real than the love a man feels for his woman, when he is truly in love. He will cry for his woman if that is what he feels he has to do (of course she will hold this against him because a crying man can't protect her). He will die for his woman if that is the only option. He will tear his self apart if he thinks that will make her happy. Some men go as far as putting their wife before their children. No man should ever do this. Spouses are temporary. Children are forever.
A man's love for a woman is intense and unconditional. It is true love.
The Woman
A woman says she loves her man. She says that she will love him "till death do they part". She says that she loves him unconditionally. She says that she will love him whether he is rich or poor. She says that she will "stand by him" no matter what. She says this and she says that, but what she doesn't say is what she really means. Her survival and entertainment come before her love.
Sure, a woman is capable of being attracted to a man. That is not love. She is capable of liking certain things about him. That is not love either. The only love a woman ever feels is for her children. When it comes to man, it's all about "like". She likes that her man is exciting. She likes that he can fix things around the house. She likes that he challenges her. She likes that he will make babies that have a good chance of surviving. She likes that he makes her feel protected. She likes that other women find him attractive; because that means that he is a good catch. After all, nobody likes to eat at an empty restaurant. She likes that he demonstrates an ability to survive and thrive in the world. She likes that she will not go hungry with her man. She likes that he will provide a place for her to live. She likes that with him, she will survive. She likes that he makes her feel like a woman. She likes. She likes. She likes, but she doesn't love.
Love vs. Survival
A man truly loves his woman. A woman, however, is focused on surviving and on being entertained by her man. Most marital problems begin when 1) the man's survival potential decreases (he cannot provide for her) 2) the man can no longer entertain his wife (he becomes boring), and 3) when her survival is threatened (her man has become a real danger to her life.). If neither of these catalysts exists in marriage or in a relationship, then the relationship can prosper.
If the man can provide for his woman, then she might put up with the fact that he is boring, but this will not last very long. She will look for another man, or if she is married, then she will ask for a divorce. Either way she will have another man in her life, one who can entertain her.
If the man cannot provide for her, then she will stay with him if he can entertain her. Most women nowadays work, so she can overlook the fact that she has to use her money in the relationship. The key here is that her man must be able to keep her amused. In the eyes of a woman, a man who can entertain her is often times more valuable than a man who can provide for her. Boredom is not acceptable.
When it comes to men, as long as the woman shows him appreciation and gives him sex, then he won't mind if she doesn't work or if she isn't entertaining. He can get his entertainment from his friends or from watching and/or playing sports. He will cook, clean, wash clothes, and go to work. He will take care of the kids and deal with her live-in mother. He will bend backwards and forwards for his wife, because he knows how to love.
I can already hear the women saying, "Men are not like that." Oh yes we are. The problem is that while a man is busy loving his woman 100%, she is constantly measuring his survival potential and judging him for how well he can entertain her.
Men love. Women survive.

 Tags: Seducing married women, how to seduce a married woman, married women

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