Thursday, March 10, 2011

Never trust anyone, especially a woman you are legally bound to.

"Never trust anyone," my dad would say.  He was right!  We can never really know anybody.  If you watch TV, then you may have heard of the show American Greed.  You may also have heard of the show Snapped.  If not, do a quick search on-line.  If we can never truly know anybody, then why do we legally bind ourselves to others?  In this case we are talking about women. 

(In the e-book, "How to Seduce A Married Woman" available at I talk about a few experiences I've had with married women.  In one case, I mention a woman whose license plate read, "So many men, none as good as mine."  You'll have to read the e-book for details of what went on in the car attached to that license plate.  You'll see how her husband, really never knew his wife.  She's still married by the way.)

So, we go along in life, and we meet a woman.  We fall "in love" with her, and we sign a contract guaranteeing our misery until our youngest turns eighteen.  Little do we know that a few years down the line she will be humping some dude in the car that we are working our asses off to pay for.  "Oh I love her so much.  I want her to have a nice vehicle.  After all, she is the light of my life."  Bullshizenstein!! 

If you absolutely must get married, then pick a woman whom you think has the best possibility of being a good mother.  Do not marry for great sex!  Do not marry for conversation and friendship!  Do not marry for "love".  Women don't do these things.  Why should we?  Women marry and stay married for convenience.  It's time we do the same. 


For more juicy details, visit

Key words: seduction, how to pick up women, seducing married women, pick up lines, the art of seduction, cheating wives.

1 comment:

  1. Actually women are attracted to things that are bigger and stronger than them. She has to see that you're a little more powerful because women are more emotional and you have to be a rock in the storm of emotions. Thus you must be careful to execute perfectly your Body Language.
